Friday, December 11, 2009

Why wont my Doberman look into my eyes?

I know this sounds silly, but Its just weird?! Like lets say when I'm petting him, I look down at him, he will look for a second, but then look away. I think I heard it was something about dominance, but I think im wrong? what could it be?

Thanks.Why wont my Doberman look into my eyes?
if you fell in something stinky he could be offended.seriouslyWhy wont my Doberman look into my eyes?
you are right. When a dog (or wolf in the wild) wants to let another animal know it is dominant, it will stare them straight in the eyes. Often times this is a way of initiating a fight between pack members. By averting his eyes from you, your dog is telling you that he is relaxed and in no way wants to steal your position of family leader. This is a good thing!

It's a sign that your dog respects you as dominant over it. A dog that will hold your gaze probably has alpha issues that need to be addressed.
Yea, it's a dominance thing. But did you have him from when he was a puppy or did you adopt him from the humane society.

My dog doesn't look me in the eyes either unless I am talking to him and we had him all his life, well since he was old enough to be taken away from his mother.
Direct prolonged eye contact is a sign of aggression in dog language.. when you stare into your dogs eyes it doesnt mean the same thing as when you gaze into the eyes of a beloved human.. humans interpret eye contact as a sign of honesty, trust, sincerity, respect. For dogs it is the opposite, to a dog looking away from direct eye contact means they trust your leadership, respect your place in the social dominance hierarchy and want to avoid conflict. When a dog stares back into your eyes and does not look away you have a problem... it means they dont respect you or your authority. Your dog looking away is a sign of his respect and trust in you.. NEVER stare into the eyes of a strange dog you do not know, if they have dominance aggression they will think you are challenging them and are likely to bite you.
If you look a dog in the eyes and he looks back for more than a few secound, he will take it as a threat and will most likely attack you.
I think that's it. I am not an expert or something like that, but I love animals and I watch documentaries and science channels. U see, he respects you and that comes from the past when dogs lived in groups ( similar to wolves today) . They had a leader who was in charge of everything. He gets the right to mate and eat first. Your dog probably has that feeling that you are the leader of the group (which is made of u and him). I mean, look: u r bigger than him, u have things under control, u decide when is feeding or exercise time etc. That is not a problem , I think. He just respects u. that's all. Hope I helped...
Staring into his eyes establishes that you are dominant. The submissive dog will immediately glance away to show that he is not a threat to the dominant dog. Don't ever stare a strange dog in the eyes.
Dogs are pack animals and staring directly into anothers eyes is a show of dominance it says I'm not afraid of you. Your dog looking away is a sign of submission it says you are the alpha. As long as your dog isn't too submissive i.e., tinkling when you greet him or cowering when you are near, this is a good thing as the humans in the pack should always be of a higher rank than the dogs.
that's interesting! sorry idontknow.. my dog hits me when i look at him.

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